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 Apple Maps 3D Flyover Views Expanded in Australia, France and Spain

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Apple Maps 3D Flyover Views Expanded in Australia, France and Spain Empty
PostSubject: Apple Maps 3D Flyover Views Expanded in Australia, France and Spain   Apple Maps 3D Flyover Views Expanded in Australia, France and Spain Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 9:22 pm

Apple Maps 3D Flyover Views Expanded in Australia, France and Spain Apple_Flyover_Update

Apple’s Maps Flyover feature was expanded recently and offers interactive 3D, picture-realistic views to three new cities. The three new locations include Cordoba located in Spain, Perth located in Australia, and Saint-Tropez located in France. The feature was introduced by Apple in iOS 6 and has been expanding coverage slowly. Some other locations that were added earlier this year include Cape Town-South Africa, Marseille- France, and Helsinki-Finland.

Apple Maps 3D Flyover Views Expanded in Australia, France and Spain GnBT5aJMacg
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Apple Maps 3D Flyover Views Expanded in Australia, France and Spain

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